Rheumatoid Arthritis
“My wife made this for me, I told her that this was how I felt inside my body .. http://www.ggkthnx.com/upload/~off/images/pacbar6.gif”
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease
“The first sign of change in my system occurred in February, 2004, and it was the onset of Raynaud's Syndrome in my fingers, which makes the fingertips white and numb. It is often triggered in”
Psoriatic Arthritis
“I began having pain in my hands and feet, several years ago, that appeared overnight. I'm in my thirties and had been a professional athlete and was active. I attributed my pains to the violent”
Rheumatoid Arthritis
“I started to get this horrible affliction when my children were in their teens. I have had many joint replacements since then and I was almost ready to go on some very dangerous drugs that”
Rheumatoid Arthritis
“It started four and a half years ago. I was working at my cubical. My fingers were stiff, and when I looked down they were swollen. They looked like little sausages. I left work and”
“I have had Systemic Scleroerma for 2 1/2 years. Iam told the disease progresses for 5 years. Here is my story: I turned 58 on 8-26-06. I went to the beach carrying my own backpack”
Rheumatoid Arthritis
“Im 55 years old and work full-time as an employee benefits analyst. I was diagnosed with RA at age 40, suffered for 5 years without much relief from the meds I tried. As I was”
Rheumatoid Arthritis
“I have not been in to this discussion board for a long time now. I have not been 'avoiding' it - there just has not been the need. And it is all thanks to the”
“I wanted to post my story to date to give all of you who have been struggling with this disease (scleroderma)tremendous HOPE: Two years ago, at age 46, I rapidly went from an extremely physically”
“My Story is dedicated to the memory of Jane Lee the lady who told me about "some website called road back or something like that." Fifteen years ago I had Raynauds syndrome and my esophagus”