Thriving's Profile
Name | Thriving |
About Me | Sept. 2008 sudden onset RA/fibromyalgia/Sjögrens after car accident and during an intensely stressful life period. Jan. 2009 Rheumatologist started me on sulfasalzine, hydroxychloroquine & Celebrex. GI bleeds from Celebrex and ibuprofen. Within a year on this therapy the RA spread symmetrically to every pair of joints in my body and I developed painful hip bursitis. 2010 Rheuatologist added methotrexate. Took that for A couple of years with little to no success. 2012 I did a serious life evaluation. I intuitively and academically felt that the drug therapy offered by rheumatologists was not the answer for me. I have not seen a rheumatologist since. I then removed gluten from my diet and had far better results than the drug therapy. I became about 50% better but got stuck there. A Naturopath gave me a food sensitivities test to which I reacted to many but was severely reactive to gluten, dairy & eggs. I then removed dairy & eggs and within 3 months experienced my first remission. That remission lasted less than six months and I had achieved it medication free. March 2015 tested positive for mycoplasmal infection and a Naturopath experienced with the AP started me on Minocycline (Teva) 100mg MWF. The Herxheimer reaction was awful. June 2016 Achieved remission; no joint pain, stiffness, fatigue. October 2018 Experienced a flare of short duration and medium to low intensity. Increased Minocycline to 200mg twice daily MWF and flare resolved beautifully around 6 weeks. I did not Herx. I’m remaining on this dose for now as my energy level has never been better than before illness. Minocycline 200mg (Teva) twice daily Probiotics Cortisone shots in hip bursa as needed. Cytozyme-AD for adrenal support |