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    Hi a Sunny Cadaver bone even though sterilized is still foreign DNA to your body & as such this can cause autoimmune and other issues if you search this topic with the name Dr hal huggins you’ll find information. To treat a cavitation, the Biological dentist scrapes out the dead bone cleans it out and then those who want the best to insure full bone Helsingborg use PRF which is your own red blood cells to form new bogie so the area can then fill in.

    Best Jill


    The newer zirconium implants are possibly better but much still remains to be proven on that Mary. The dentist I saw in marble falls Tx does a bond able bridge so you don’t have to use 2 teeth filled down as pins. Usually those with autoimmune issues he tends to use caution with. And he uses a biocompatibility test to be sure the materials he uses are safe for your body.

    And def. the stress of a infection takes it’s toll on the body it did on mine. Root canals can have cavitations from the infection.

    The oral to body connection is real.



    No I can’t donate blood. just blood letting is how they manage this disease but it would be wasted not donated.
    Unless I’ve got proven remission but I think even then they’d want to see this proven in lab results for some time as well as Lyme.


    Some of the population that is prone to hyperpigementation can be due to Iron Storage Disease. And Mino can bring this forward and taking Vit C not only doesn’t work for them if they have HH or iron storage disease, could make it worse for some people .

    A lot of Caucasians can be affected and it’s often not discussed by docs. There’s a list of symptoms but they can be attributed to other diseases or be vague. If one tests by saliva as being at risk genetically you can then do a TIBC test. The saliva test has been around since the mid 90’s. This is the link- for anyone who has had hyperpigmentation issues even if they resolved with discontinued use it maybe well worth knowing as it can lead unchecked to further problems.



    Also keep in mind it could be if you have cavitations they are infections that ABX can’t get too to clear. If you have a Panoramic X-ray sending it to a fully trained Biological dentist for review would be able to render a opinion on this. I had my 6 Cavitations addressed in one surgery it was doable and it was a even bigger game changer for me than I expected. I realize you’ve been thru a lot, but having peace of mind if this is a issue maybe worth pursuing. dr n in marble falls Tx is who I sent my pano too.

    My biopsy report of what was found at those sites is posted on the forum.



    Yes I’ve had about 9 IV chelations and then have used oral & suppository chelators for years now. Pectrasol C is great as is nano zeolite I get the latter from pure formulas.



    Some insurance he takes depends on which it is. A quick phone call to his office will tell you. Insurance may not pay 100% but a good deal of it.



    I had 2 k. Stones obstructing after a week of fun had to have surgery to remove them this was a yr ago.

    I found out a couple of things as my calcium by blood was always normal. Vit C maybe suspected but it’s complication is usually found in those who have iron storage disease also known by a longer name hemo something. There’s a list of symptoms one may have associated with this disease and it can affect a large number of Caucasians. There’s a salvia test one can do to easily determine if they are affected since the mid 90’s I fit many of the symptoms, yet no doc talked of this. I had heard of it and thought if I avoid iron I should be good and watch simple FE its not that simple. My brother has one of the 2 genes for this which means in the sibs likely one to 2 of us are affected. I got the saliva test to find out for me. If so I’ll do the TIBC blood profile and see if I need to do blood letting. I always feel better after giving blood.
    I’m giving just enuf broad strokes here for one to know.
    Best Jill


    I e had persistent low WBC for yrs yes I have Lyme Scleroderma but I finally have brought mine up to a low normal which is huge for me after 4 months of increasing Zinc. Many of us have HPU or KPU read Dr Ks info the LKMD from Seattle. It’s been really great for me to finally see a 4.2 when I was 2.9 forever! The amount of zinc I take is 150 mgs and then another 15 mgs in my multi.

    I do add in a bit of copper to balance this of 4 mgs.



    If a tooth must come out be sure it’s done by a Biological dentist who knows to fully debride and clean out the periodontal ligament! Most dentists leave this ligament which signals the tooth is still there. If not cleaned out the bone won’t fill in as that presence of the ligament the body thinks there’s still a tooth. That ligament having now no blood supply is a channel for toxins and pathogens which become a cess pool and a constant source of infection. This scenario is as bad or worse as a Root Canal.

    It’s important people realize this Enzed and all.



    Yes sorry that’s it too many drug names in my head.



    I’m going to suggest something that may seem out there. It here goes. Arms shoulders, even ulnar and radial blood supply and nerves can be affected and were for me I had TOS surgery which did nothing by the way that’s thoracic outlet syndrome for those who don’t know. The doc who suggested this was wrong. Anyways I’m trying to keep this short but call to find a good Biological d Dentist. I’ve had a speckled ANA and other inflammatory markers and SCL 70 & yes I’ve been CDC positive for Lyme but my issues weren’t to be fully placed on Lyme I had hidden oral cavitations from wisdom teeth removal way back in 74, this can cause a myriad of vague but real health issues and am y of yours fit! . Have you had any teeth including wisdom teeth removed or any root canals put in? If so save yourself some time and plse rule this in or out. A regular dentist can’t help you. If you tell me what state u r in, I can suggest some names. If it’s not the case then you e ruled it out but it’s worth pursuing. It’s not as rare as one thinks unfortunately.

    Best Jill


    Unfortunately that’s correct but it’s not as rare as one would think per my dentist who says he pulls out gauze left behind quite often. And the one dentist who did this worked on only one tooth. The deal is I can see why my immune system was so ramped up and why ABX just couldn’t deal with this other than to try to protect other areas but not this central infection with dead bone and no blood supply. The other 5 Cavitations were caused by a Oral surgeon who I paid a good deal of money too in 74 for removal of impacted wisdom teeth but upon tracking this down I found out most Oral Surgeons don’t clean out the periodontal ligament as they feel it takes too much time same for teeth extractions so the area having the ligament in place still thinks thers still a tooth there and so the bone doesn’t fill in as the ligament dwindles it gets infected and thus you’ve got the birth of a cavitation! plus if you’ve got amalgam fillings in your mouth mercury off gassing interferes with bone growth too so you’ve got the perfect marriage for failure. Most folks dont know they have this until they get large enuf to cause pain or pressure like mine did. but they are often sick for decades with this and that and docs dunno why from this affecting their body thru the oral- organ body connection that most are dubious of as it sees to be so simple yet in my case I can say I’m a firm believer! Not all autoimmune conditions obviously are caused by this but u can see in my case foreign rotting material infected was a perfect storm. But had I not had this material as the other 5 cavitation sites were also infected by the process I described above just didn’t hold foreign irritants in them so I had quite a load to my immune system which was working OT but I don’t believe in using meds to lower a immune system it was trying to protect me and had I lowered it I may have gone sepsis or Pn. It’s why I say investigate as as many as 85-90% of all wisdom teeth extracted sites are Cavitated in studies and they only used patients who were asymptomatic unlike me. Most as I say are ticking time bombs and this is a def cancer risk too over time and they have no idea! See a qualified Biological dentist and rule it in or out in being proactive especially if you have heal problems! My heart rate is normal now for the first time in 6 hrs something the best meds could never achieve and my left heart was in heart failure there’s nothing medicine can do for this on the left side but try to alleviate symptoms. My heart rate has bee normal now for 2 wks since this surgery – it was what I needed and I’m seeing 12 big improvements so far in things I can see and measure. This was my choice as thankfully my body gave me constant pain where I had no teeth at but for years I’ve wondered but I didn’t know where or how to begin as no dentist in Memphis but when the pain started 24/7 and I requested my 2&1/2 yr old Pano and I could readily see visible holes where I had pain at I knew this was as real as the pain was. This isn’t a good thing over 60% of the jawbone is gone whe. I can readily see this on Pano X-ray. But the regular dentists are taught this in dental school when I asked how could they have missed this I know what good bone should look like from my work in vet assisting and owning dogs but I was simply dumbfounded anyone could is this but my hubby couldn’t see the obvious to me so … However I sent off this film and 6 B. Dentists all saw what I didn’t tell them I saw – 6 holes in my jaw. My case was so clear cut it wasn’t funny and yet it went unseen by 3 different regular dentists who all saw this same Pano. So don’t trust a regular dentist to see this! But I’m not as rare as one thinks. For. Any of us who have Ly,e and struggle it’s because of this infection is like trying to paddle upstream until this is addressed! And some of the health problems may not be Lyme but stemming from this. Better to know and be sure than have regrets is my feeling. I wish I had addressed this sooner but even with this bad pain this is very difficult for people to wrap their heads around. For years dentists acted like I was nuts saying there’s a irritant in this lower rear jaw of course gauze does t show up on plain X-ray or CT maybe MRI but no one ever listened to me. For the first time it’s great to wake up and not feel it 29 yrs is a long time! I’m just grateful I am still here, who would think but I was right there was something there! But as I said the other sites were almost as painful and infected just not as large as this one the size of a pecan the hole. So the other 5 areas didnt have this irritant and that’s more of what others can have. But yeah it’s scary and stupid and neglectful what dentist’s some of them think are benign to do! No surgeon In The OR would think leaving in gauze or a sponge is safe! The dentist who did this is in my hometown still works there I always felt after this work he was crappy refused my kids to see him funny thing is my sis-in-law manages that dental office and did back then. I got no discount t but would think he would have taken better care and caution. I haven’t told her and she hasnt asked how my surgery went 😉

    As crazy as it sounds it’s the gods honest truth! It’s so hard for me to trust as I had a doc who caused me problems in another surgery lost his license shortly after that for drug abuse. I’ve never gone after any one and I’m sure the law of statues is out after 29 years but I sure wish I had that gauze to ask to see this dentist as I go back home regularly and drop it into his hand in a Baggie of course and say thanks Doc for your help this was left in me for 29 yrs and caused havoc with my heart finally and body. But I was not with it when I came too at the dentist who removed it to ask. I was more in of the sense hey I don’t feel this thing in my left jaw and then hearing yes there was something and then hearing of the battery of metals found under crowns still for hubby, I was in shock at the work he had done that are galvanizing off of each other! one root canal on him measured a 40 on docs voltage meter the highest he’s seen ever and his techs agreed he tested it twice to be sure. It’s a silver filling with a palladium tip inside the jaw for the root canal. He’s got symptoms directly tied to his 2 RCs and they tested as highly giving off current so I pray he moves on his issues soon and not wait! I didn’t know after 33yrs of marriage he even had 2 Root Canals he got both before we met or the crowns with high nickel in them with porcelain over them, but they left the silver/ Mercury filling in place below to really give off current together. Dentist said he could jump a car and his energy which dentist didnt know is low, dentist said would soar. I believe this Dentist! The work of the late dr Huggins is true! – I’m proof of it.
    Best Jill


    Yes I was on a low dose of Clindy before my dental cavitation surgery MW&F 100 mgs once daily to keep but levels down not for in my cavitations but in the body organs t try to protect from this infection spreading. When I had my cavitation surgery despite 2 high dose Vit C IVs. my infection was getting worse in my worst cavitation sites so my Biological dentist put me on daily Clindy. 1,800 mgs total a day 600 mgs 3 x’s a day for 7 days. About 2&1/2 days in I broke out with a fever last nite, see that as a good thing in trying to clear this.

    Only other thing to add is for the tooth removal is I’d use a biological dentist. Who fully cleans that out well including the periodontal ligament so you don’t cavitate and develop a infection there later on AS MOST ABX don’t reach it well til it’s cleaned out and blood supply re established.

    Most regular dentists don’t understand this well or how much the mouth can make us sick. I had a old dental medication pack left inside my jaw to collect infection and spike my immune system over for 30 some years! My dentist found this inside where I had a tooth extracted at!! It was left behind. I’ve said for years something was in there foreign that shouldnt be and was ignored by 8 dentists. I felt relief right away it was gone when I woke up. I feel this was tied to my eventually developing autoimmune issues and definitely my left heart failure. I’m already seeing real time improvements in numbers, but need to get fully over this infection. Loved my b. Dentist very caring he gets it! – the real body/ organ mouth connection! I can’t stress enuf that our mouths can have silent infections that can cause systemic or specific health issues and any autoimmune patient or Lyme patient should rule in or out with a qualified B. Dentist sooner than later but if later better than not at all if they have unseen issues inside their jaw that almost all dentists aren’t trained to see!

    Best Jill


    Call his office as to your insurance and ask. Some insurances cover some of the treatment but likely not all costs. Generally a week. Depending on what your treating. They will address your questions.

    Best Jill

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