Home Forums General Discussion Unbelievable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Wow, I learn something new every time I visit this forum. I did not know that Teva had bought Actavis. When I was taking Teva mino, it suddenly became unavailable, and I discovered they had sold the minocycline business to someone else. Now they have bought someone else’s mino business! I tried to switch back to Actavis and couldn’t get it. So tried Ranbaxy/Torrent for awhile, didn’t do very well, and now Actavis is available again. What is this shell game with minocycline? It’s impossible to keep up. Argh!

    Diagnosed with RA 10/2014 with very positive anti-CCP. Rheumatoid factor was negative and continues to be negative.
    Began abx treatment 12/2014.
    Currently taking minocycline 100 mg bid M-F, diclofenac 75 mg as needed, probiotics, various other supplements.

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