Home Forums General Discussion Scleroderma – TB & Leprosy AP Drugs Ever Used For Treatment?


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    I was wondering if anyone (Lynne) knows if the antibiotics used to cure TB and Leprosy were ever tried for Scleroderma? I don’t have my copy of Henry Scammel’s book anymore, but I remember him saying that Dr. Cantwell was able to isolate Mycoplasma or mycobacterium from the skin of some of his SD patients similar to the same pathogen found in TB and Leprosy. Was the Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis antibiotics (MAP) ever tried for scleroderma?

    I saw on another website a man being cured of cardiac sarcoidosis in Australia when a lab cultured out Mycoplasma from his blood and he then followed Professor Thomas Borody’s protocol for curing Crohn’s disease using the MAP drugs (for a year)…he says that a lot of AI diseases are thought to be caused by Mycoplasma.


    I found this interview with Dr. Cantwell. Interesting but still no mention of trying the same antibiotics for SD as used for TB or Leprosy.


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