Home Forums General Discussion Reminder: First time posters

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  • #467294

    To Community Forum Newcomers who are posting for the first time (post is awaiting moderation), please read this message at the top of the forum:

    Community Forum Newcomers who are posting for the first time.

    “To Community Forum Newcomers

    Please note that all first posts are moderated before they are visible on the Forum. This is a SPAM preventive measure. Be sure to include some info about your rheumatic disease type and your interest in AP in your first post. This helps moderators to differentiate between spammers and legitimate posters. After the first post is approved, all subsequent posts will go straight through to the forum.”

    If you have made a first post recently, please try again and include the requested info above, after which your post can be approved.

    Thank you


    Thanks Maz – sad to think we have to think of these things but we do ! I’ve found this site so helpful over the years so thanks 🙂


    Reminder bump


    Reminder bump

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