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    Still don't know how to just post without replying to anyone…….

    In the meantime I have a “suggestion” (as if I'm the only one who thought of it…).

    I have forever made “shortcuts” of sites that I want to access later and either put them in “folders” on my desktop or, in the case of RBF, put the shortcut right in the task bar on the bottom, so that all I do is click on the little button and the site opens.  Right now, I have two RBF buttons in that task bar and open either one with one click.


    One question, though:  WHY DON'T I HAVE TO SIGN IN when I click on the new RBF button?  It opens immediately . . . . . .




    Still don't know how to just post without replying to anyone[/size”>


    But you just did. The designers of this software use a new topic in the way that the designers of our old software used a new thread. They are pretty much the same thing. To make a post without replying, that is, to start a new thread, just click on “new topic”.

    WHY DON'T I HAVE TO SIGN IN when I click on the new RBF button?

    You don't have to log in to see the posts but you have to log in to reply or to start a new topic.  This is to encourage newbies that just want to lurk for a bit before joining us on this marvelous treatment. We all remember our first exposure to AP.

    By the way, if you don't log out then the cookie in your computer keeps you signed in even if you turn your computer off, that is, you don't have to log in when you come back. I think that is incredibly convenient. But if you use a friend's computer you will have to log in, or if you log out then you must log in.

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