Home Forums General Discussion pulmonary hypertension – mctd

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    Hi there everyone, has been a while scince i wrote here.
    Well, I had mctd than and got pregnant, during my pregnancy I was dx pulmonary hypertension 🙁
    Someone else?


    Hi Zoofie,

    Long time, no see…and so sorry to hear about your diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension during what should be a very happy time in your life. I am guessing you had to stop your tetracycline while pregnant, as this abx can affect the baby’s bones. Were you able to substitute this abx for one that can be safely taken during this time?

    If you type in the key words, “pulmonary hypertension,” in the search box at the top of the general discussion threads, you will find numerous posts about this. I hope finding other posts on this topic will help you sort through finding some answers, Zoofie.

    Sending all the best to you! 🙂


    it awas terrible, I was very near to die.
    I didnt get any medications during pregnancy, in the end they thougt it was preeclampsia. They took my baby out in week 28. My doctor called an shouted to the staff at the regular hospital to take out the baby before the patient (me) will die otherwise!

    The dx me pah 2 weeks after delivery. I was then at the intenseve care, were I stayed for 1 month.

    And now I cant have more kids. Its a nightmare.

    I got sendoxan for 6 month, and now im on predisone, viagra ,cellcept and tracleer.


    Zoofie, your poor thing…you’ve been through a tremendously stressful time. I’m so sorry to hear your pregnancy was so difficult and that you experienced such trauma. I hope your new baby is doing okay.

    Will you be able to get back on your abx protocol, do you think? There are many scleroderma and MCTD patients here with PH and I hope they will chime in for you so you can hear how they have fared on antibiotic therapy. You will likely need to remain on your other drugs to keep things controlled, but I hope you may also have the opportunity to try antibiotic therapy again.

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