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    Well, we finally have the diaharrea back under control thanks to the probiotics. I wanted to get him back before starting on the humaworm! The poor kid, we have him on such a strict diet and then he has to do this other as well — he really is doing unbelievable! At first I thought he just did not want to know what was really going on, but yesterday we had a long talk with him about the disease and the options and he really does understand it all. He is incredibly anxious to start AP and so are we! He does not want to have the endoscopy or colonoscopy!

    I will tell Ryan what your Mom always said — Mother's are so smart aren't they??:roll-laugh:

    Is it OK to start the humaworm and the AP at the same time?

    Sue — Ryan's Mom


    [user=40]Kim[/user] wrote:

    Oh, and Cheryl, taking a cursory peek won't tell you what's in there.  Strap on your snorkel.

    Ach, I'm choking on my tea here!!!!!!!!!!! :roll-laugh: Kim, you have the most “visually expressive” way of describing things sometimes!!!!!!!!!

    Peace, Maz


    [user=1274]luvmywonderfulkids[/user] wrote:

    Mother's are so smart aren't they??:roll-laugh:

    Is it OK to start the humaworm and the AP at the same time?

    Sue, Mom's are smart, because I think they're related to mother nature and mother nature always knows best! 😉

    You can drop a line to Humaworm support for confirmation of your support questions – I found them to be quite quick responding. One thing I'd add is that there can be some die-off from Humaworm as well as from AP. So starting both at the same time may complicate the picture.

    Peace, Maz

    A Friend

    [user=86]Susan Lyme/RA[/user] wrote:

    I have been having massive issues with swollen, bloated stomach for quite a while now and the doctor says it is the heavy metals moving into my fat cells.  😯  It is a 20 lb weight gain that jumped on me winter of 2007 when she first put me on detoxing herbs but it won't go away in spite of a very good diet and plenty of exercise……..

    So, ding-dong, ding-dong!  Why is my stomach still so swollen?  My daughter is due to have a baby July 8 and I swear my stomach is as big as hers.

    Anyone here got any ideas?



    You piqued my curiosity this morning with your above question.  I had remembered reading, in the past, that we could put on weight by our body's need to store more toxins, and it does this by making more fat cells for storage.  Since your weight gain began after being put on the detoxing herbs, maybe that is the answer. 

    Anyway, just what we all here need:  more reading!!! 😛  I promise you, it is interesting.  lol

    A simple search using variations in wording about toxic wastes in cells were used.  Knowing that toxic wastes are stored in fat cells; and, having previously  learned that the body manufactures even more fat cells to store increased toxic wastes, more knowledge and understanding of this was desired.  Below are some interesting comments found:
    A.  http://www.wellnessresources.com/weight_tips/articles/detoxification_during_weight_loss/

    “White adipose tissue, where your extra pounds are stored, is in many ways a defense mechanism against excess ? keeping such excesses away from vital organs like your heart, liver, and kidneys.  For example, excessive fatty acids are extremely toxic to cells and can easily kill them, which is why they get stored in a safe location in the first place when excess food is consumed.

    “A similar problem occurs with fat soluble toxins.  These come from air pollution (formaldehyde), food (mold toxins and PCBs), pesticides on food, alcohol excess, digestive/sinus toxicity issues from overgrowth of Candida or bacteria (acetaldehyde), and many others.  Fat soluble toxins at low levels disturb thyroid function, reproduction, liver function, and general cell health. 

    “Toxin excess is a common reason for rapid weight gain, both as a defense mechanism and because the toxins are crashing metabolism.  Individuals can gain 25 ? 50 pounds in a year when acute toxin challenges go unmanaged.

    “Thus, toxins are stuffed into your fat in the first place to get them away from your metabolism.  When they are in your circulation they can readily disrupt your metabolism, causing weight gain.  Yet, as you lose weight they go back into your circulation.  You must effectively clear them or you will feel crummy, fatigued, irritable, and/or simply not lose any weight.”

    — End of  link A's excerpts.

    B.  http://www.naturesnutrition.com/SKU/58001.htm 

    Excerpts from link B:

    #1:  “Waste should be eliminated through the bowels on a regular basis, usually one or more per day. The health and function of the colon (the large intestine) is very important to proper elimination. Its primary function is to provide temporary storage for waste products and the formation of stool. Toxins are formed and absorbed when waste remains in the intestines for excessive periods. Headaches, bad breath and skin problems and even more serious disease can result and increase the susceptibility for intestinal cancer. “

    #2:  “Benefits of Internal Flush for Cellulite?
    Waste forces the cell to swell! Cellulite is a sign that internal pollution is present. Cellulite is also those unsightly fatty deposits that may not go away even after extensive dieting and exercise. Cellulite forms in the buttocks, upper thighs, knees and upper arms. It is a doughy consistency and has a lumpy, dimpled appearance like cottage cheese. Cellulite consists of a combination of fat, waste material, and water trapped between strands of fibrous tissue just beneath the surface of the skin. When waste combines with fat cells and fills with water, it forces the cell to swell. Proper elimination helps reduce the build-up of fatty deposits and removes the toxic waste that ultimately would get trapped in fatty tissue creating cellulite. “

    C:  http://healthy-living.org/html/overweight__people.html
    Toxins inside fat cells

    D:  http://www.healthwisdom.com/articles/artcolon.asp

    Quoted (copied/pasted) excerpt from above link D:

    Every cell and every organ in our body eliminates waste and is effected by waste elimination from the body as a whole. It is up to our colon to eliminate the bulk of the most toxic and putrid waste in our body.

    When we obtain energy from the food we eat, we create a waste product (feces) that should be eliminated within 24 hours or less. But with a meat-based, high-fat, low-fiber diet, the average American has a transit time of 72 to 96 hours, meaning this waste begins a toxic build-up that creates numerous problems for the colon and every other part of the body.

    If it is not quickly eliminated, fecal matter in the colon turns into a toxic and putrid waste that is absorbed into the rest of our system. Over the course of time, this effects the functioning of every cell and organ in our body. It poisons the blood, lymphatic system, nervous system and brain, while clogging up the heart, vascular system, lungs and sinuses.

    A proper diet is one that provides necessary nourishment for the body, and facilitates proper waste removal and cleansing… from the cellular level to the colon. But the typical American diet featuring an abundance of meat, dairy, fried and over-cooked foods, sugar, starches, salt and artificial chemicals is hard to digest, very little of it can be assimilated as nutrition into our cells, it is high in toxic waste, fat and cholesterol, and slow to move though the colon because it is low in fiber.”

    Good night all,

    A Friend


    I second Maz's suggestion about calling Humaworm folks for guidance.  Also, about Maz's suggestion about not starting both at the same time.  Ryan and you are off to a good start now.  He is going to run toward the finish line just like that Kentucky Derby winner, Mine That Bird… and we'll all be going crazy cheering for him!!!  Much like we've done for Cheryl's daughter, outstanding swimmer. 

    Best to you!



    That's good information, AF, thank you.  After my cleanses and sauna, I'll be a new woman. 🙂

    Isn't it funny how something so basic comes along and knocks you in the head and then you get it.  K.I.S.S. —- keep it simple stupid!  Put good food in your body and exercise………who knew?



    [user=30]lynnie_sydney[/user] wrote:

    The weight off my thighs went after I cut out gluten and alot of the cellulite with it. I was always pretty small top half and carried my weight below my waist (like the good Englishwoman I was born). Anyway, all that changed when I tossed the gluten. Didnt really notice anything from parasite cleanse………but maybe I didnt have any large worms! :roll-laugh:Lynnie

    I am the only person on the planet that has not lost weight on the gluten-free diet that I've been doing since the beginning of the year. One mad smiley for the diet :X, and one mad smiley for not losing weight on the stupid diet :(.



    [user=27]Maz[/user] wrote:

    Ach, I'm choking on my tea here!!!!!!!!!!! :roll-laugh: Kim, you have the most “visually expressive” way of describing things sometimes!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry, that was too graphic. :sick:  The parasites are embedded in the gunk and the only way to know if they're there is to check.  I've just had it with being sick and at this point will stop at nothing to be well again.




    You are definitely NOT the only person who has NOT lost weight on a gluten free diet!!! I am right alongside with you and i've had enough . I am so sick of being fat , it isnt funny! When standing upright, i would just love to be able to see at least the end of my toes.I am not asking to see the whole toe but just the tips, not much to ask.

    Started humaworm this am and will keep you posted! hoping in 30 days i may see the tips!!!!


    Susan LymeRA

    A Friend,

    If you wrote a book, I would read it.  You have the most interesting information.  I am sending one of those articles to some people I believe will benefit from it.

    When I first got sick and went on the vegan diet, my bloat disappeared and along with it 20 lbs and 50% of my pain and inflammation.  I was sold on diet, leaky gut and their connection to RA.

    That was Jan 06.  I remained trim even after I adjusted my diet and was no longer vegan.  Through bloodtests I learned which foods I was reactive to and avoided them.

    In June 07, I began with my current doctor.  In October 07, she started me on some detoxing herbs after running the gene test and finding out how poorly I detoxify on my own.  It was then the 20lbs jumped back on me and all in the gut and upper thighs.  For the first time in my life, I developed cellulite. 

    Even the first doctor I worked with had been detoxifying me.  This section of one of your articles fits my regimen to a tee.

    Detoxify the body. This includes removing parasites,bacteria, fungus, virus… and opening the detoxification pathways with massage, sauna, fasting, etc.

    Yes.  I have been doing this since Jan 06.  My original rheumie thought I was crazy until he saw the great results.

    Sooooooo, when do I get skinny????

    I'm not obese.  I'm 5'5″ 150lbs.  I should be 135lbs.  I get plenty of exercise, I eat like a champion, I detox, detox, detox.

    My doctor did tell me my weight gain is the toxins moving into my fat cells and they are working on depleting them from my body.  So these articles back her up.

    Soooooo, I try to be patient.  But man oh man!  WHEN DO I GET SKINNY?



    Susan LymeRA

    PS:  I really do have great elimination.  My one and only colonoscopy last year showed a pink, healthy colon.  It makes me wonder how on earth I could be toxic.  That plus I could always sweat like a man and did so daily as my hobby/passion is horses.  Not a sedentary sport.

    I can only assume the toxins were not leaving my body despite great amounts of sweat and #2. :doh:



    [user=40]Kim[/user] wrote:

    Sorry, that was too graphic. :sick:  The parasites are embedded in the gunk and the only way to know if they're there is to check.  I've just had it with being sick and at this point will stop at nothing to be well again.

    Kim, that was just so funny the way you described that I just laughed out loud. We'd have to laugh or we'd cry sometimes! I love the way you describe things in these one-line zingers. It just says it all and you keep us all smiling and laughing. :roll-laugh:

    Peace, Maz

    Cheryl F

    [user=27]Maz[/user] wrote:

    [user=40]Kim[/user] wrote:

    Oh, and Cheryl, taking a cursory peek won't tell you what's in there.  Strap on your snorkel.

    Ach, I'm choking on my tea here!!!!!!!!!!! :roll-laugh: Kim, you have the most “visually expressive” way of describing things sometimes!!!!!!!!!

    Peace, Maz


    I discussed this with hubby this morning.  I had read him Prix's comments about just trusting the process, and Gordon agrees, he is just going to trust that if there are critters in there, they will come out, if there are no critters, then they won't.  We do not plan to dig or snorkel.  Sorry! 

    I do have an excuse at work though, all the facilities are auto flush, so there is no time to see anything. LOL  This is so gross, but so important!


    A Friend


    I'm very happy if something in the information will be helpful for you and others about toxins in fat cells.  Also, thanks for your kind words. 

    You may have mentioned this and I just missed it, but have you tried incorporating a daily combination fiber/efa for aiding in “capturing and sweeping out” the toxins.  You did say your gastro-tract was healthy-looking, but some really effective type of fiber can actually trap and force toxins out of the bowel with feces.  Without this type “capturing”, the fat-soluble toxins are actually siphoned back into the system for re-use, along with all the toxins in the fat that the body reuses.  I learned about this several years ago in the writings/books and on-line web site of Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker (Outstanding Physician of the Year in Maryland one or more years). 

    Dr. Shoemaker discovered and solved a lot of medical treatment problems related to toxins and disease, and how to remove these neurotoxins from the body.  There is a Visual Contrast Sensitivity test (accurate, even though we may be skeptical of this visual testing online… good science IS behind it) that one can take to determine if neurotoxins are at a high level and are part of our problem.  (My prior AP physician did this himself, and recommended I take the test, too.  That began another learning journey.)  Since that time, I noticed that Dr. Shoemaker's methods have been incorporated into the Detoxx System, a system used by Patricia Kane, et al in detoxification programs for some of the most serious diagnosed medical conditions. I actually have a copy of “The Detoxx Book for Physicians” by John foster, M.D., Patricia Kane, Ph.D., Neal Speight, M.D.   


    According to Dr. Shoemaker's work, if one has neurotoxins that are high, then an old fiber-type RX is RX'ed/used (Cholestyramine … CSM…sp?_) which “cements” itself around the toxins and this traps and forces their excretion.  We probably can find a multiple-fiber product that will do a somewhat comparable job.  I read something startling to me (just in the last day or two) about a fiber product made by Nordic Naturals.  In the description it mentioned how fish oil was important in toxin removal, and it was in a combination with at least two other fibers…. hummm!  I'm betting there are more of these good fiber blends around, if we search for them.   

    Susan, I'm wondering just how many college credits (or equivalent) we have earned with all the research we patients are “forced” to do???  😯



    [user=28]A Friend[/user] wrote:

    Dr. Shoemaker discovered and solved a lot of medical treatment problems related to toxins and disease, and how to remove these neurotoxins from the body.  There is a Visual Contrast Sensitivity test (accurate, even though we may be skeptical of this visual testing online… good science IS behind it) that one can take to determine if neurotoxins are at a high level and are part of our problem.  (My prior AP physician did this himself, and recommended I take the test, too.  That began another learning journey.)  Since that time, I noticed that Dr. Shoemaker's methods have been incorporated into the Detoxx System, a system used by Patricia Kane, et al in detoxification programs for some of the most serious diagnosed medical conditions. I actually have a copy of “The Detoxx Book for Physicians” by John foster, M.D., Patricia Kane, Ph.D., Neal Speight, M.D.   


    According to Dr. Shoemaker's work, if one has neurotoxins that are high, then an old fiber-type RX is RX'ed/used (Cholestyramine … CSM…sp?_) which “cements” itself around the toxins and this traps and forces their excretion.  We probably can find a multiple-fiber product that will do a somewhat comparable job.  I read something startling to me (just in the last day or two) about a fiber product made by Nordic Naturals.  In the description it mentioned how fish oil was important in toxin removal, and it was in a combination with at least two other fibers…. hummm!  I'm betting there are more of these good fiber blends around, if we search for them.   

    Good info, AF, as usual. You'll be interested to know my LLMD, that I'm so fond of, follows some of Dr. Shoemaker's work.  My doc uses the VCS test (I failed miserably) and also uses Cholestramyne to mop up toxins.  The Cholestramyne can be a little tough to take.  I was to take it twice a day and could only manage once a day because it made me very crampy. 

    I've read several of his books and think he's really on target with his research on sick building syndrome and molds.  My family is all in New Orleans and post-Katrina everyone in that city is sick, most certainly from the toxic mold as well as all the other contaminants.

    Thanks for the post.

    Take care…..kim

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