Home Forums Personal History and Progress Threads Got my "diagnosis" Undifferentiated Arthritis….

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  • #306332
    skitty kitty

    I finally got the results of testing done waaay back in November for my symptoms which I believed to be arthritis caused by Lymes disease and still as a matter of fact do! (the Lymes came first in otherwords).

    After all the antibody testing and blood test were tallied up the only “out of normal” catagories were:

    Low C4 and Low C3 complement

    Low WBC – which I run (or have run) for over 12 years now with no “reason” ever found

    Ever so slightly High Bilirubin with normal Bun and Creatinin (my brother has Gilbert’s syndrom, most likely I do too).

    very slight positive ANA – just over 80 (which is not very diagnostically accurate as some people do have ANA without other disease associated with it…

    very very slight positive RA factor – at the very bottom of what is “out of range of normal”

    Sed rate normal, C reactive Protein normal….

    Vitamin D3 at 36, needs to be a tad higher, but okay

    Normal on every other aspect, with the exception of thyroid -where I do have antibodies elevated indicating thyroid is being attacked.

    I have swelling in the finger joints and foot/toes with intermittent pain, shown by xray but otherwise normal.

    Chest xrays normal = no interstial lung disease (thank god!)

    HLA B 27 – negative (this is the HLA associated with certain types of autoimmune disorders)

    After all that, the final diagnosis was “Undifferentiated Arthritis” =

    she immediately wrote me a script for hydrosulfaquinalone (???sp??)
    A DMARD I think? It has nasty side effects and I certainly don’t want to take it!!

    So off to the doctors that treat with ABX protocol (or are open to it anyway).

    wish me luck!

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