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    I have an appt tomorrow with my LLNP and I’m so unsure how to proceed. My SI joint pain is flaring horribly tonight and I’ve been in tears from it searching the internet for answers. I saw a new gastr doc earlier this week who felt I should be tested for SIBO as well as fructose malabsorption. She also ran a gene test for celiacs. Interestingly enough the week prior to my appt I was feeling really well. I had begun eating raw sauerkraut several time s aday, taking candex at bedtime and in the morning opening up a paragard capsule, emptying out half the contents and swallowing the rest. For whatever reason this combo was helping. Well at my appt she informed me in prep for the tests I would have to stop all probiotics, enzymes etc for 2 weeks prior, so I did. Within 24 hrs I was already going down hill.

    I really don’t know what to do. Is it worth going through this awful pain for testing that will most likely be negative? Should I retry the LDN with a different filler? I was on the one with avicel in the past. Do I ask her to try AP? I had such extreme reactions to antibiotics given for lyme with an increase in pain that I’m not sure I could handle them or how low to begin..If I do go back on antibiotics and my gut is my issue could I be making the problem worse?


    Hi Ellie,
    I am not so experienced to answer your questions, but I would like to know what paragard is. I hope that someone will reply to you soon.
    Best wishes,
    Linda L.

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